Sweet small purse, tutorial in English:
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Helga Design, 2008.

This is the presser foot I use when I'm sewing
Helga Design, 2008.
This is the presser foot I use when I'm sewing
the zipper unto the
Phaff nr 3 or the
Bernina nr 5.
3 2,5 x 10 inch
strips for the front.
1 7,5 x 11 inch
1 7,5 x 11 inch
2 1 1/4 x 7,5
inch strips for Binding
1 7,5 inch
Sew together the
three strips.
Make a sandwich
quilt as you desire.
Use a plate as a template to cut a nice curve at both side
and trim.
At both sides, sew the binding with your needle
as long as possible to the left.
Press the binding down, like this........
Change the presser foot, this is the nr. 5 -
And sew the zipper on at both sides,
(the zipper should be split).
(the zipper should be split).
Remember to move your needle position.
Cut of the binding behind the Zipper (on both sides)
Make a second seam at the binding......
...... make sure that the second seam meet the
at the "wrong" side :o)
You can now close the zipper.
Sew the sides togheter, first the 1/4 seam
and then zic zac edge like this:
Now its time to
make Box corner......
Remember to count in the seam allowance.
......and cut.......
Sew an 1/4 inch seam allowance and zic zac edge
like this:
And......... Vola!!
Here are some ideas...
With application.With application, LeKa flower.
The design of this purse was made by my friend Helga in 2008.
Lena Karen :o)
19 kommentarer:
Oj,oj så fina nessar du sytt,,och tack för din beskrivning!!!Kram
Hei Lena. Så fin tutorial. Jeg har hele tiden trodd at disse var mye større. Men disse skal jeg prøve. Supert for jellyroll-remser.
Likte pungene i forrige innlegg kjempegodt.
Ha en fin helg :-) Klem fra kalde Vikna :-)
Så mange fine!
God lørdag :O)
Så många fina nessar Du sytt och tack för beskrivningen.
Sminkspungene dine er så fine! Takk for beskrivelsen.
Åh, tusen tack för super fint mönster på dina underbara nessar! Det är ju ett perfekt mönster för scraps också!
Your tutorial is WONDERFUL! I received one of these little bags as a gift last year, and it is nice to use to put a small project in - either a stitchery project or a hexagon project.
Takk for en flott forklaring, så mange fine punger du har laget
Mycket söta necessärer du har sytt och tack för bildserien du har gjort, går lätt att följa!
Fabulous tutorial! Such a great little purse that can be used for so many things! Thank you for sharing the tutorial.
what a great little bag..thank you for sharing! I am sure to make a few of these for Christmas gifts!!
What lovely bags, I'd love to make some! Two questions: what is the seam size when you first sew the binding on? and where do you find such cute zippers with the little ball pull on them? They are adorable!
You have been quicker then me :) Wanted to thank you for a really clear instructions. I've made one purse already, just covered inside seams like you do at purses in your shop. Love your blog and will follow it further.
Hugs, Sonja
Gjett om jeg skal prøve å sy meg noen slike da! De er jo bare så søte!
Thanks Lena,
I really got to try this tutorial, love these purses.
Så inspirerende og flott at du legger ut fremgangsmåte og ideer til hvordan vi kan sy. Legg gjerne ut flere mønstre :)
Very cute bags! I am new to sewing- I don't understand what to do after cutting out the square shapes on both sides?
Thank you for a very understandable tutorial. Simple and clear. And your bag designs are very creative. Thanks again!
Tricia from USA
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